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The concept was to create a platform that will assist students in preparing for textbook-based exams by providing them with effective tools for comprehending, retaining, and reproducing information based on their signature textbook. 

I embarked on an exciting project to develop an innovative study platform called U GOT IT from scratch!


Problem definition: the problem lies in the current generic test system and the absence of supportive tools for textbook-based exam preparation. This results in difficulties in comprehending and retaining information, leading to decreased confidence in exam performance and increased stress levels. There is a need for a solution that enables students to study their signature textbooks effectively while providing a means for self-assessment and boosting confidence in their knowledge.


Mission: the project concept is to create a website that will assist students in preparing for textbook-based exams by providing them with effective tools for comprehending, retaining, and reproducing information based on their signature textbook. Additionally, besides students, people who read a lot can benefit from this platform too.

Take a close look at the main findings

User Personas.png


User Personas.png

I have successfully developed two personas that effectively represent the main audience of my project: university students and professors


User journeys


I created user journeys that consist of using the main functions for the represented user types

What is it about U GOT IT?

Main platform features


AI Assistant

Access to simplified explanations with examples, and valuable additional resources, empowering you to grasp complex concepts with ease

Book on Table

Short summary

Concise summaries for your textbooks, highlighting the most important information, enabling you to comprehend key concepts and essential details

Book Signing

Personalized tests

Generation of tailor-made tests based on your individual textbook, ensuring focused assessment and reinforcing your comprehension of the material in a customized manner


Draft interface.png
2 Study place – 1.png

From draft to final





Our Features


Test area

In the test area, users will be able to create tests based on the selected material. In the settings, they will be able to customize tests, for example: true/false, multiple choice, definition, etc.


Generated short summary

Here you can find a generated summary based on your textbook. In order that you don’t waste time writing notes yourself, the AI assistant does this for you by analyzing the text and selecting the most important information.


Your signature textbook

This section contains material from your textbook in which you can highlight a paragraph that you find difficult to understand and the AI assistant will offer you a simplified explanation with examples.


Track progress

After creating a schedule with our system, users will be able to track their progress, set a break timer, connect their spotify playlist, etc.

Take a closer look


Test area


Your signature textbook

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